Quick Hit
I saw this story last night and thought to myself, “This is great.” Personally I don’t think that showing a picture ID to board a plane is violating any constitutional privileges it is a form of intrusion to privacy. The security personnel glance at the name and your photo id to verify the names on the ticket and ID match, maybe they will casually glance at the picture too.
Yet it comes to mind that if some individual was going to perform a terrorist act on a plane, and sacrifice their life for their belief or cause then are they really going to be worried about showing an ID? Furthermore, outside of a high ranking member whose picture has been plastered all over the place, what do these people look like? Would it be that difficult to obtain a fake ID with ties to an organization like that? Finally even if their name did appear on the list of known terrorists, and they made it all the way to the gate, is the individual going to be able to pick out that certain individual based on glancing at their id and ticket?
What if “Albert Gonzalez” was on the list, are they going to stop all the Albert Gonzalez’s from boarding the plane or give them extra scrutiny?
Anyhow, here is the link:
Fight the Power