Sony Mucks Things Up

Sony has officially crossed the line with their much reported Trojan they have implemented on select new releases. Now they are getting sued by Attorney General of Texas for this stunt.
NY Times reports (registration required:) “Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a civil lawsuit on Monday against Sony BMG Music Entertainment (6758.T) for hiding “spyware'’ software on its compact discs in a bid to thwart music copying.”
Record company exec: “I have a great idea, lets implement a technology which will allow individuals access to other peoples computers without them knowing. It can be a great sales srategy for us too, we can track where these poor saps go on the net, what they buy, what they type, and best of all what music they steal.”
Other Exec: “Gee that sounds great, the digital rights stuff is right up our ally, lets go get a drink to celebrate our victory.”
You'd think Sony's recent payola scandal would've made those bozos think twice about misbehaving. Record execs, not pirates, are killing the recording industry -- and it couldn't happen fast enough!
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