Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Clear Desperation

A Clear Channel’s clear desperation for an audience for its fast fading morning show, may the country duo and station in general in whole just fizzle away. What tactics am I talking about you ask? This morning I received a telephone call which I managed to sleep though, if I would have answered it I would have been a bit upset as to what I heard. It was a pre-recorded message promoting their morning show and how they are going to be “helping out with high energy bills”.

What the hell is this? They are promoting the assistance of paying my electric bill in a desperate attempt to recruit listeners via a telemarketing scheme. Look, if I am going to be listening to the radio, and actually trying to win something from them the last thing I want is something as lame as bill assistance. How about offering something people can’t typically just purchase, like front row concert ticket packages to various shows, back stage passes, or trips to see concerts (not the national variety either). If this is the best you can come up with, you deserve the future failure and ultimate demise.


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