Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Oh, Mistreated

My pursuit landed me at a house party this weekend; I haven’t been to a house party since this acquaintance named Candice invited me and my friend to her graduation party. I figured this was all but the last of the house parties for me, but wait – what was that glimmer on the horizon? That’s right – a nice house party, this one was of the “house warming” variety. I am unfamiliar with housewarming etiquette, so all we ended up bringing was a refreshment contribution, of the party variety. I digress…

So yes, when I hear about this house party I am happy to attend because the individual who is throwing it is a kickboxing / ex-spinning instructor at the gym I go to. He was handing out flyers to people who attend his class, and of course I have seen this particular chica attend his class on several occasions, and of course I have an ulterior motive for attending. Yes indeed, the blind wishful thinking that some of these select women will be at the party.

You may ask yourself Why haven’t you just struck up conversation at the gym if you were interested? The reason for that is because doing so is always a long shot, gyms aren’t intended to be meet-markets, and I don’t want to invade their space when they feel unattractive (in their minds), IE sweaty, and just want to get their work in, and then get the hell outta there before another neanderthal tries to chat ‘em up. After all, the last one I chatted up never came to the spinning class again. Again I digress…

So I see the chica at the party, escorted by another woman, and no not in the lesbian sense either (yes, I broached the topic gingerly). Anyhow, me and my friend mingle a bit with some of the other attendees, while I keep watch over whats-her-name to make sure she doesn’t leave before I at the very least open my mouth to say “hi”. Next thing I know I am speaking to her friend, I find out that she is a kickboxing instructor who took over one of Mario’s classes (Mario is the home owner).

As the night progressed I was biding my time, waiting for the iron to be hot – at long last the iron was hot and I struck. So got to chat up Rafie, a nurse by day and kickboxing instructor on select nights, things went well – so well in fact I asked an received her number. So the trick again is getting the return phone call…

Apparently meeting women and job hunting are very similar, and yes very different. There is an incredible amount of time spent looking at each prospect, does she or the position offer what I am looking for? If so, you gather up their information and do your best to contact them, the common goal in both is to get a reply. If a reply is received then an interview may not be all that far fetched, and the “razzle-dazzle” can begin. After that they begin to fork in different directions.

So all in all – I’d say this was a foul. I watched the pitch, saw it was one I liked, swung the bat, and even made contact. However, it will still be a strike because of my current situation. Its all good practice though.


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